Friday, March 28, 2008

Leadership & Motivational Consultant

"Helping People in the Workplace"

Dr. Kersey provides corporate training through teaching three seminars that are designed to assist executive management as well as employees to increase peak performance resulting in higher efficiency within businesses and Christian organizations.

His seminars are based on thirty years of professional experience in his clinical and consulting work with many types of professionals in the medical, dental, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, marketing, broadcasting, legal, academic, religious, and customer service environment. He has also worked extensively in sports psychology helping Pan-American as well as AAU athletes perform at their highest levels.

Dr. Kersey's seminars include but are not limited to: Stress Management, Motivational Presentations, and "Building a Loyal Customer Base". He is also available for performing "needs assessments" to help businesses to deal with difficult personnel problems that could affect corporate success, performance and profitability.

Dr. Kersey can be reached by email at for an initial consultation or, for any questions regarding his services.